Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I've Got It! Finding Ways to Learn a Challenging Dance

Grade Three students have been working really hard lately.  They've been exploring some of the toughest dances first in their new unit of inquiry on How We Express Ourselves.  Take a look at what they've been learning how to do.

Students explored dances from around the world which used rhythmic sounds.  The two dances they've been working on so far are the Gumboot Dance from South Africa and Tinikling from the Philippines.

Gumboot Dancers from South Africa

Tinikling from the Philippines

First of all, they learned how to do the steps slowly watching the teacher.

Then, they tried to do the steps faster.  They watched, and corrected their mistakes. Students tried to remember each step without looking at the teacher.

For the Philippine dance "Tinikling" students need to know how to "clap" the poles together.  They practiced doing a hand clap pattern, and then did the same pattern with the bamboo poles.

Then came the challenge of putting the two parts together. This may sound easy, but students had to be risk-takers to try this new dance.  Jumping between two bamboo poles is really challenging!
For many students, this was really difficult.  They had to practice over and over again, often getting caught in the poles.  When students finally got one of the steps, their group was so excited!

As students master one step, they have begun to learn more difficult steps.

What's the next step?  Students might enjoy checking out additional videos of "Tinikling" to learn more difficult steps and formations. Or they might come up with their own original steps?

We'll be taking a trip around the globe through dance!

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